Rev. Megan Snell Sermons

Incarnation and Embodiment (S6, Ep2): Advent Peace/ God in Flesh in Jesus, Rev. Megan Snell

Rev. Megan Snell Season 6 Episode 2

Why would God come to Earth as a person, in Jesus?
What does Jesus' experience with the human condition have to do with our own experiences of being human?

This is the second sermon in our December worship series on Incarnation and Embodiment.

From the Sermon:
"God knows and sees all those parts of ourselves. 
All those lovely shiny parts- our compassion, our creativity, our laughter, our joy, our caring. And God knows and sees all those other parts of ourselves- our stress, our confusion, our hurt, our anger, our anxiety. 
And knowing and seeing all of this, God chooses love. 
God chooses unconditional love such that nothing we can do can separate us from that great love. 
God chooses us. 
Moves closer to us, calls out to us, sticks with us. 
God chooses us. "

Preacher: Rev. Megan Snell, MDiv., Pastor, Nahant Village Church (UCC)

Scripture: Matthew 24:36-44

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Preached December 8, 2019